Mummies and Masterpieces is a program that enhances Judaic and Secular curricular themes through museum collections. Programs include developmentally appropriate slide shows, art projects and museum visits for students of all ages and abilities. Our programs are unique in that they are a departure from the traditional way of teaching, and were inspired by the educational ideas set forth by today’s leaders in progressive education. For example, in order to enhance the Bible theme of the Israelites in Egypt, the holiday theme of Passover, or the national social studies standards of Ancient Egyptian Civilization, a visual and hands-on Mummies and Masterpieces program would include a slide discussion of ancient Egyptian artifacts, a related art project and an optional follow-up museum visit. This is just one example of the curricular themes that are offered through Mummies and Masterpieces.

Founded in NYC and currently based in Highland Park, IL, Mummies and Masterpieces has served educational institutions in several US states and Canada for the past 28 years. We are ready to continue training Jewish and Secular educators around the world.

We are looking for educators with a PROGRESSIVE philosophy who are professional, worldly, responsible and excited about what they teach. The ideal Mummies and Masterpieces educator is one whose goal is to open the minds of students, as opposed to lecturing to them or at them. Our educators value quality over quantity and understand that hearing and discussing the opinions of the students is much more important than “getting through the material”. Finally, we never consider uttering the words, “Let’s see whose project is the nicest” or “That doesn’t look finished. Why don’t you put more colors into your painting?” We understand that each program is an opportunity to teach the students, as well as learn from them. The Mummies and Masterpieces educator should truly understand the meaning of teaching a child according to their way and understanding ALL of the multiple meanings of a student’s intelligence.

Please contact for more information.

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